Heyo, I am

Tutku Uçan

Since 4 years interest with Software Development. Last 3 years of this passed with Web Development. I Graduated in highschool IT and Web Design. I was student at Tekirdag Namık Kemal University Computer Programming but i left after getting job from eQuota GmbH. I worked as Frontend Develoepr 9 months. In this period, i contribute many projects and i made a presentation to other developers about “Writing Test in Frontend”. Currently i continue to develop my own web projects and working at Carbon Interaktif as Frontend Developer.


Frontend Developer

Carbon Interaktif

10.30.2023 - Present

Frontend Developer

eQuota GmbH

01.02.2023 - 08.30.2023

Full-Stack Web Developer


August 2021 - Present



Create your fitness workout and diet program as public or private. View other people's public training and diet programs.

Next.js, Redux, NextAuth, Shadcn UI, TailwindCSS
Prisma, SQLite, Next Server


Pixelist is a social pixelart maker app. Make your dreams with pixels and share your works with other pixelists. Also include other works and build pixelarts with your friends or teammates.

Nuxt.js, Vuetify, TailwindCSS, Vuex
Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Passport.js